Major misunderstandings about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-Financial Express

2021-12-08 11:25:06 By : Ms. Alina Mao

India ranks at the top of the list of the most polluted cities in the world and also has the largest number of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cases in the world. Most people want to be healthier, but they rarely think about protecting and keeping their lungs healthy. The lungs are as important as the heart and the brain. With time and age, they become less flexible and lose strength, making breathing more difficult. Through certain healthy habits and care, you can better maintain healthy lungs and make them function better. In addition, it is also very important to understand the health of your lungs and avoid rumors that people are dealing with and may cause damage to your lungs.

Myth 1: Only smokers can suffer from COPD.

Fact: Although smoking can cause COPD, approximately 24% of COPD patients never smoke. In addition, approximately 1% of COPD patients may have this disease due to a genetic disease called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

COPD is caused by prolonged exposure to irritants, such as gases and particulates, such as cigarette smoke or chemical fumes and dust at work.

Myth 2: COPD only affects the lungs.

Fact: If you have COPD, your heart will breathe harder so that your body gets the oxygen it needs. This puts COPD patients at greater risk of heart attack and heart disease.

In addition, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may limit your mobility-if you cannot keep up with the lives of friends and family, this may affect your mental health.

Myth 3: If you have COPD, you cannot exercise.

Fact: Moderate exercise is very important to help reduce COPD symptoms and strengthen the heart. If you are short of breath when you start exercising, consult your doctor to find out what you can do to increase your endurance. For pulmonary rehabilitation, a respiratory therapist can teach you breathing techniques, special exercises, and nutrition plans. As always, please consult your doctor before starting any type of exercise.

Myth 4: There is no effective treatment for COPD.

Fact: COPD can be treated. Although treatment cannot reverse the damage to your lungs, treatment can control your symptoms and help you feel better. Treatment can also prevent any damage to your lungs in the future.

If you are diagnosed with COPD, in addition to following the doctor's prescription treatment and medication, you should also take measures to quit smoking, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get timely flu and pneumonia vaccines.

Myth 5: If you have COPD, there is no benefit in quitting smoking.

Fact: Quitting smoking will slow down the progress of COPD, which means it’s never too late to quit. Although the lung damage caused by COPD is irreversible, you can prevent it from getting worse. In addition, if you quit smoking early enough, you may return to near-normal lung function.

For COPD patients, it is important to take steps to help your body control the disease. It is important to conserve your energy, because people with COPD require more energy to breathe. Avoid overwork, such as working in the yard and lifting weights, and plan a break during the day.

COPD patients are more susceptible to respiratory infections, so it is important to take measures to avoid getting sick, including washing hands and vaccinating influenza every year, as well as vaccinating pneumonia every five years. If you think you are sick, consult your doctor.

Maintaining a healthy weight can also help your heart and lungs, as well as drink plenty of water.

Misunderstanding #6 Weight does not affect COPD

Fact: This is not true. Dr. Schachter told us that being overweight increases the disability associated with COPD.

Conversely, if people’s weight is lower than medium, it may be a sign of emphysema and also a poor prognosis.

Misunderstanding #7 COPD is the death penalty

You cannot reverse COPD, but it does not mean that your life is over.

Fact: People who quit smoking, exercise more and take good care of themselves usually have a good prognosis. With the right medications and lifestyle changes, you can control COPD and lead an active life.

However, for any chronic disease, it is usually to get the right support to keep a positive and positive attitude to control the disease.

Myth 8: There is nothing we can do to treat COPD

Fact: Although there is currently no cure for COPD, with the help of your doctor, you can effectively find the right support and treatment plan for you.

Myth 9: I am alone in dealing with COPD

Fact: It is estimated that 384 million people worldwide suffer from COPD symptoms. 14 COPD patient groups around the world provide advice and support to help you tolerate this disease.

(The author is a pulmonologist at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute in New Delhi. This article is for reference only. Before starting any treatment, medication and/or remedy, please consult medical experts and health professionals. The views expressed are personal and not Does not reflect the official position or policy of Financial Express Online.)

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